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Chapter 1@Introducing yourself


™   Open gSelf-introduction Form 2 h@in the last column of my homepage,gSachiko Nakamurafs websiteh.

™   Save it with a name.

™   Then, write about your hometown, hobbies, future dreams, daily life, or anything else you want to write about yourself:@

   For example,

1.     Where are you from? @What is your hometown like?  Is there anything that means a lot to you?  

2.     What do you do in your pastime?

3.     What is your main personal goal?

4.     What do you like very much?

5.     What do you hate or dislike?

6.     Do you have any special skill?

7.     What is your lifestyle?

8.     What is your personality?

9.     Have you come up with a turning point or milestone in you life?

10.  Anything you want to say about yourself.

 ™Try to make your self-introduction attractive


Chapter 2`

            Writing Form B5              Writing Form A4


Chapter 3

        U.S. Embassy ESTA Web Site          

          Embarkation procedure  `@  ANA        JAL@    @@@

@@@ Emergency telephone number
