The Girl with the White Flag (2)


cover ~ travel a particular distance

bracken ~plant〕 fern of southeastern Asia ワラビ /  an area overgrown with this fern

quite  ~ 1. completely  2. actually, really  3. to a degree, rather

shell ~ 1.hard outer covering   2. bomb

fleefledfled = run away from trouble or danger

incessantly = continuously, always, endlessly

perspire = sweat

beat down on someone/something ~ to come from the sky with great force.

simmer ~  1. cook just below boil  2. shine softly with a wavering or flickering light

undulate ~ move in waves or in a movement resembling waves ゆらめく

caress ~ touch or stroke affectionately

serene ~  without worry, stress, or disturbance  2. bright and cloudless

picture ~  vivid mental image

stick it out = continue to do something to its end

stick = 1. protrude  2. adhere  3. endure

draught = draft ~ current of cold air

buttock ~  part of bottom

leave ~ cause or allow to be or remain in a specified state

ex.  Leave the door open. ドアをあけたままにしておいて.

Her beauty left me speechless. 彼女の美しさに私は言葉も出なかった.

hitch ~ 1. connect or attach, as to a vehicle  (2.) move or raise by pulling or jerking


p. 33

presently = 1. now, at this time  2. in a short time, soon

think nothing of = do something unusual or dangerous without worrying about it

populace ~ general public

ogre = an evil giant or monster in fairy tales, especially one who eats people

let go = stop holding something

resigned to accepting something reluctantly but without protestあきらめて

plump rounded and somewhat overweight

vivid = 1. lively  2. strikingly bright  3. graphic: producing strong and distinct mental images

after all = despite what happened or was the situation before

kindly = sympathetic and generous

emblem = 1. symbol  2. allegorical image



so far = at this time

by any chance ~ もしかして、ひょっとして

have second thoughts ~ to change one’s opinion about something or start to doubt it

heretofore = up until now, previously

still =  motionless,  quiet

if only ~ ( the expression of a hopeless wish or regret )  ただ〜でさえあればいいのだが