Deeply Into Reading

The Author’s Page ( Word Test )

We will study Units  1,  2 ,  5,  6,  12, 13, 14,  16. . .


Unit 1   The Cat Who Liked Potato Soup (1)

           Book  Review 

           The picture on the front cover 


Unit 2   The Cat Who Liked Potato Soup (2)



★We will skip "Unit 3: The War Within (1) & Unit 4: The War Within (2)."    


Unit 5   The Girl with the White Flag (1)          

            words and phrases


Unit  6  The Girl with the White Flag (2)

            words and phrases



★We will skip Unit 7,8 : Eating Well for Optimum Health (1) (2), and Unit 9,10,11: Death, Final Stage of Growth.


Unit 12  Howl's Moving Castle (1)

            The first part of Howl's Moving Castle

             Words and phrases


Unit 13  Howl's Moving Castle (2)

             Words and Phrases

             US Trailer       



Unit 14  Unbeaten Tracks in Japan (1)

            Words and phrases

            Photos:    Andon     Andon & Shokudai      Daigara

            in the Pop Dictionary