The Blog

This will be the most active part of the website. If you are planning to check in on a regular basis, this is the place to come. Some of the contents will be wedding related, but for the most part, it will just be me writing about things that might be of interest to my family, friends and those people whom I don't actually like that much but feel obliged to invite to the wedding anyhow. Hiroko will also be maintaining a blog in Japanese. If you happen to be bilingual, have a look over both pages. Some of the content will undoubtedly overlap, but for the most part, we will just be doing our own things. Even if you are not bilingual, you can browse the photos / videos on her blog without reading the Japanese. The other option is to use the instant webpage translator. It certainly isn't perfect, but you can get the basic idea.

Wedding Jitters

We'll start you off with a couple of videos that the two of us have been laughing at (nervously) for a while. Before the first video, a short explanation for those of you whom are yet to meet my lovely bride. 

Hiroko is a bit of a nut. She likes to describe herself as "borderline normal." I would be more likely to use the term "borderline crazy," but that is all semantics. The point is that once in a while, something which would seem insignificant to most people will transform this smiling beauty into something from a Sam Raimi film. A good few of the gentlemen in my reading audience may well theorize that this is due to a y-chromosome deficiency. Not being a man of science, I wouldn't know about such things. What i do know is that watching this video was a touch disturbing. I can half-picture Hiroko performing a (slightly) toned-down version of this scene. It should be even more fun for everyone then. Drama is always more interesting when it is live.

Crazy Bride

The next one taps more into Hiroko's fear. I have only fainted once in my life, but Hiroko was lucky enough to be there for it. We were watching the new version of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the scene where the fellow was being hoisted up on a meat-hook started me thinking in an unhealthy vein (so to speak). The scene itself wasn't really that graphic. Standard horror film stuff - a bit on the schlocky side, really. Rather, it was the physics of the event that got to me. How exactly was the meat-hook providing sufficient support for his dangling body without causing him to lose consciousness? Had the hook lodged between a couple of ribs? or had it shattered one of his vertebrae and hooked into his spinal column. Perhaps the hook hadn't entered that far. Maybe his entire body weight was being supported by the hook's grasp on his trapezium? My musings became more and more grotesque until I started to feel a wee bit queasy. I got up for a drink of water to clear my head, and the next thing I knew, I was lying on the kitchen floor. Apparently I had had the wherewithal to first place the glass of water down in a safe place and avoid cranial contact with any sharp/hard objects. That can't have been as entertaining as some of the dead weight drops in this video.

Once in a lifetime is a pretty good track record if you ask me, but apparently it left quite an impression on my bride-to-be. She is a touch concerned that I might choose the wedding day to log number 2.  We'll see.

Fainting Grooms

After watching this video, I actually thought about having a video camera at our wedding.  I can do without all the lovey-dovey stuff, but if someone does a face-plant during the ceremony, I might regret the lack of video documentation.